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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you require a prescription?
A prescription is not required. Please consult a Health Care Provider before taking this or that medicine. It is important to take into consideration some contra-indications or diseases a patient may have. Only a specialist can prescribe the exact medication and the required dosage.
Do you accept insurance?
We don’t accept insurance Often when you add up the copay and deductible for generic drugs, you end up paying more. Instead of paying fees to middlemen like insurance companies and plan administrators, we sell generic drugs at a lower price, passing the savings along to you.
How one can be sure in the quality of the drugs you sell?
High quality of the products is the matter of major importance to every seller. Our pharmacy sells only high-quality products. The better the quality of a product is, the more clients we have. It is as simple as that. Thus we choose only reliable suppliers who provide us with all the necessary documentation and thoroughly test the quality of every drug.